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Fai Filtri: renewal of the certification ISO 9001:2015


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The audit has confirmed the high standards and the effectiveness of the company Quality Management System.

Fai Filtri has obtained, also this year, the renewal of the certification ISO 9001:2015. Once again this proves the company's will to continue in investing in safety and quality of the products and services offered, especially at a time of relaunch of the production. In this way the company intends to grant its customers the necessary standards and requirements.


DNV GL, one of the main certification authority worldwide, as well as the first in Italy for management systems, after having verified Fai Filtri’s compliance with the standard requirements for the Quality Management System, has confirmed the renewal of the certification giving a positive evaluation to the effectiveness of Fai Filtri’s Management System.


The audit, carried out electronically on Microsoft Teams platform, has shown that the Company is always able to achieve certain goals and respect legal, regulatory and contractual requirements. The status was evaluated considering different factors such as the organizational structure, the sites, the processes and the products / services. The conclusions of the audit reported that "the main objectives have been achieved", the management system "is considered efficient and compliant with the standards" and "during the analysis, no non-conformities emerged".


The renewal of the certification, valid for the design and the production of filters and filter elements for fluids in industrial applications, represents a further confirmation for Fai Filtri as the result of constant commitment and professionalism.


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